Category Archives: Allgemein

Announcing Railroad Manager 2025 for Windows

Our game will come to Windows PCs soon!

Available on Steam for only EUR 4.99, the game will be more or less similar to the successful Android version. As a non-freemium game, it will contain 20+ maps, 10+ missions per map, 20+ campaign chapters and of course the random map generator and seasonal specials. More maps will come as a DLC later this year. As in the Android version you start with only very limited rolling stock. You will get more diamonds for level-ups and thus be able to get more rolling stock faster (plus you don’t need to invest diamonds in maps). This means you can play missions over and over again with better rolling stock and improve your score, which is an incredible replayability. The PC version of course comes with certain PC specific improvements like keyboard shortcuts and mouseovers.

Planned release date is october 2nd 2024. Wishlist now!

The 2024 player survey

Welcome to the new year, and welcome to the great survey!

Today we are asking you, the players, in which direction the game should evolve this year! So check out the options we are presenting here. We generated this list from feedback we got and ideas we see in other games. The poll is open!

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Your favorite maps

Tell us which maps you like most!

Riverland, land of wine, coal and beer. Where Elves (the people of Elventown) go to Ratville for orange juice and potatos. Sun valley, land of copper and coal and cows!

You don’t know Vatoya and Silverstream yet? They are in the campaign!!

Which "not real" map do you like most?

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All about Railroad Manager 4.0

Version 4 of our game comes early october, 2020. There are many important changes:

  • New scoring system. Due to changes to many missions or maps, all old scores are invalid and thus all highscores are cleared. We are starting a fresh highscore list (on our own server, so no Google play games login required).
  • Industries. Often wished, we now introduce industries to the game. The occur on the following maps (marked with 4.0): Riverland, North Germany, Sun Valley, West Germany, Liverpool-Manchester. Currently there are farms (producing grain, sheep, vegetables or such), mines (producing coal or metal), oil wells and steelworks (producing steel when provided wich coal). Farms mostly replace the “looking like fields” hexagons on the updated maps. Industries can deliver cargo to neighbour fields, which brings us to the next topic …
  • Cargo Stations. Also often wished, cargo stations can be used to connect industries which are not positioned near villages, or to create transport hubs for efficient cargo traffic.
  • Hills slow down trains: Speed is reduced on hill hexagons. You can use the mountain trains science to remove this effect. Or just build around hills!
  • Your own company: You can now choose a logo and name for your own railroad company. If you decide to share your scores, they are added to the world wide highscore lists with your company name and logo. You can check your top positions by tapping the new toplists button. Also, the top position and yours is displayed just before start of a mission.
  • Village stations have a limitation of cargo slots: 4 for small stations, 9 for medium size stations and 16 for large stations.

Read the updated manual to find out all details of the new version, and watch our let’s play video on Youtube!

Get Railroad Manager 3.5!

The latest version of our game introduces new missions for all maps: Play 5 years, earn money, solve missions, and choose your starting year!

Choose the starting year between 1830 and 1945 in 5 year steps (screenshot from german version)

Also, we added the first Indian electric loco:

Based on the famous swiss “Crocodile” (also available in the game), it came to indian rail tracks in 1928.

More improvements to the game will be coming later this summer!

All new Starter Pack

Here comes the new Starter Pack. Get 30 locos, coaches and wagons for much less than the normal diamond cost. This is the perfect start, as most of the vehicles are available in all missions and will really help you to get higher scores and have even more fun.

The Starter Pack Content

Railroad Manager 2.3

Vor kurzem haben wir mit Version 2.3 eine komplett neue, viel attraktivere Bahnhofs- und Stadtansicht eingebaut. Nach einigen Justierungen sieht das jetzt auf so gut wie allen Geräten Klasse aus und es macht viel mehr Spaß, damit die Güterzüge zu beladen.

Seitdem waren wir weiterhin nicht faul, und so gibt es jetzt die beim öffentlichen Voting gewünschte Skandinavien-Karte im Shop!

Viel Spaß damit!

Poll / Umfrage

Here is our poll! Which map or locomotive would you like to see next in our game? If you wish something else, try our feedback form!


What next?

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Which "not real" map do you like most?

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